Thanking God for 5 years!
Today marks 5 years since the date of my bone marrow transplant! Wow! I and my family are so grateful for the healing that God provided, as well as many more blessings besides. I'm doing well health wise, its quite a miracle when you consider my life was hanging in the balance 5 years ago. I'm enjoying being involved various church and work activities again and am so grateful for my family, and my church. We still reflect with much gratitude for the care and support we received throughout that time. A special thank you again to Lisa , my bone marrow donor , who gave her marrow to save my life! The full story on that is in a previous blog post. God has been our rock and refuge through this and other trials He has chosen to put on our path. Sometimes people will say to me that they think I am so strong. No, its simply that I've chosen to trust a strong and loving God who keeps his promises. He never promised our lives would be easy, but He does promise ...