
Showing posts from April, 2019
One year ago today I received the life giving marrow from an anonymous  donor. We are deeply grateful and amazed how God has answered the many prayers lifted up to Him for me. We trusted in Gods sovereignty throughout this experience and are delighted that at this point His path for me is healing and recovery, although He lovingly prepared our hearts that it could be otherwise.   There has been, with a few exceptions, a slow steady improvement in blood counts,  energy level and finally tastes good again! My hair is growing back, but its quite patchy and unmanageable, so I will be sticking with the wig  for a while yet. Not a big deal when you are just happy to be alive.  I can change from a cute blonde mama to a crazy lady in a moment..... I call it my kids "other mother".    My ongoing treatments include daily meds and several visits a month to the Juravinski....