
Showing posts from February, 2018
We wanted to update you all about the appointments that mom had this week. Yesterday was a long day for mom and dad with a lot of tests; heart scan, xrays ; blood work and several consultations.  All the appointments were on time and the nurses were very good and helpful.  Unfortunately , Mom's blood counts have dropped even lower and on Friday she will have to have blood transfusions(for the first time) as well as platelet transfusions to help  keep her levels up until the transplant, also to prevent bleeding. Were thankful that the transplant is not too far away.   We continue to look to our loving Father for help and healing. Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deut 31:6
We thought it would be nice to share the song that inspired the title of this blog with you. The message of this song has encouraged us through this journey and we hope it encourages you too! - "Even If" by Mercy Me  
We would like to use this blog, rather than the emails,  as an opportunity to keep you up to date on what is happening with our mom's cancer story, so that you can pray for us and be encouraged that God is our rock. About a year and a half ago, the first unusual blood count was noticed.  The doctor was only mildly concerned, but decided to send mom to a hematologist to keep an eye on it.  Things hovered for a time, during which we were able to carry on and enjoy many things, including Vanessa and Tyler's wedding,  but then the blood counts started to drop and a diagnosis of MDS, cancer of the bone marrow, or bone marrow failure,  was given in October 2017. Shortly after this we were delighted to enjoy another wedding in the family, of Melanie and Billy. While gradually getting more tired and having to reduce extra activities outside of the home, mom has generally felt ok. Recently the counts have dropped to a point where mom has had to...